The obligations of our industry

Over the years, Eramet has established relationships of trust and mutual respect with its teams, sub-contractors, and customers. These relationships have been built in accordance with the company’s values.
On a day-to-day basis, these obligations apply to all Eramet employees and structure their interactions with all of our partners.

Ethics: a whistleblowing platform for all employees

Anyone who believes that a value or principle promoted by our Code of Ethics has been violated, or that unethical practices are being followed, is encouraged to report it:


EthicLine QR code

Report misconduct

The report must be supported by facts, information, or documents, however they were communicated, in order to enable discussion with the Ethics Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer and the Group’s ethics expert will guarantee complete confidentiality to the whistleblower and ensure the impartiality and rigor of the report management process. They will proceed with the necessary investigations to verify the facts and, if necessary, take measures to address the situation.
The Compliance Officer and the Group’s ethics expert will guarantee complete confidentiality to the whistleblower and ensure the impartiality and rigor of the report management process. They will proceed with the necessary investigations to verify the facts and, if necessary, take measures to address the situation.